Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Amazing Web Slingin' Kiss Stealin' Wall Crawlin' Spider Man!

Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider Man
Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy
Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon/Electro
Dane Dehaan as Harry Osborn/Green Goblin
Paul Giamatti as Aleksei Sytsevich/Rhino

Run time: 142 minutes
Director: Marc Webb
Producers: Avi Arad
Matt Tolmach
Budget: $200-$225 million
Box office: $703,666,575

Memorable speeches and dialogues

Gwen Stacy: It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you is to become hope; people need that. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live? As we look around here today, at all of the people who helped make us who we are, I know it feels like we're saying goodbye, but we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next, to remind us of who we are, and of who we're meant to be.

Aunt May: What happened to your face? It's filthy!
Peter: It is?
Aunt May: Yes!
Peter: Oh, yeah, yeah. I was cleaning the chimney.
Aunt May: We have no chimney.
Peter: Whaaat?

Gwen: I'm coming with you.
Spider Man: No you're not, it's too dangerous. Shut that thing.
[webs her wrist to the hood of a car]
Spider Man: [swinging away] I'm sorry, I love you, don't hate me.
Gwen : PETER!
[covers her mouth realizing that Peter is in his Spider Man suit]

As one of my most anticipated movies of 2014, The Amazing Spider Man 2 has yet again delivered another solid performance at the box office. It was a really good movie however while I was watching it I got that same old feeling of "Yay! This is supposed to be Part 2 and Part 2 movies are always better than the first ones so come on, anytime now, make me excited and jump off my seat?!" kind of thing. One good thing about this film is that we see more web swinging action here especially during one of the opening sequences where Spidey goes after robbers who stole plutonium from Oscorp. Not just swinging from building to building but the CGI effects where nicely done. 'Bout time we had the proper swingin' action for good ol' web head.

emma stone animated GIF

The story was good so far. The main villain Electro aka Max Dillon was portrayed by Jaime Foxx. Foxx did a magnificent job of being a genius nerdy obsessed Spider fan boy here. His character was someone who just wants to be recognized for his work and have some friends but people at Oscorp treat him as a nobody. I especially liked the scene when he was down town, already as Electro and Spidey was trying to talk him out and helping him and thought his HERO betrayed him and set him up and be made fun of. He didn't want to be evil, he didn't want to be the bad guy. Like what he said while Spidey was calming him down, "I just wanted everybody to see me." It was his birthday and such a cruel accident happened. Well, I just wished they didn't have to kill his character because I've heard rumors of a Sinister Six movie coming out and as far as I recall, Electro was part of the original group.

andrew garfield animated GIF

So as we were told, there is confirmation from reliable sources and of course a scene from the movie where the mysterious man is shown having a conversation with Harry that there will be indeed a Sinister Six movie. We get to see a quick glimpse of Doc Oc's Tentacles, The Vulture's wings and so Rhino's Armor (well mecha Rhino if you will.) Surely this is not going to be a new case in an all villian movie to me because as I recall, we will have Batman: Assault on Arkham takes on the saying, cheer for the bad guys because this time around they will save the day or something like that. Garfield said in an interview that he has signed for 3 Spiderman films but I hope they do resign him for a couple more because I'd hate to see them replace him after 3 films.


The death of Gwen Stacey has got to be one of the hardest things that have ever happened to Spidey or Peter. The way how Gwen died in the comics was different from the movie, (although we know freakin' hollywood always changes everything, well almost) but in this version at least we know how she died unlike again in the comics for those who don't know, Gwen was thrown over the bridge by the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn not Harry) and Spiderman catches her but finds out she is dead so he is unsure if she was dead when she was thrown or she died like what we saw in the movie. It was such a tragic death I might add and I actually shed some tears (they came pourin' when she hit the floor on impact). Their on and off relationship in the film was good especially given the fact that Peter sees Captain Stacey's ghost and finally which made it more confusing for him to whether or not continue seeing Gwen since he made a vow to keep away from her. This part here kind of reminds me that Superheroes are not made of steel, they are human beings as well. No matter how powerful they are, they weaken when a family member or loved one is taken away. Kind of reminds me of one graphic novel I read a few years back entitled Identity Crisis from DC Comics. But if he had the power to go back in time to save Gwen like what Supes did in the first Superman film which starred Christopher Reeves, that could've been nice but hey, that's just wishful thinking on my part haha. Well, bye Gwen Stacey, Hello Mary Jane Watson come 2016.

My Rating: 4/5

It was a really great film for the Spiderman franchise. Just that the same problem occured here for me, too many villians which were not really utelized properly. They could've focused on Electro more but having Harry Osborn turn into the Green Goblin here was kind of okay. Sam Rami wanted to make a 4th film so badly because he thinks that he needed to end the franchise properly but never got the green light on so I hope Webb knows where he's going with the 3rd installment.But overall the story and cinematography were brilliant. I hope I can soon get my hands on that Spiderman ring tone they used in the movie haha, that would be my ringtone but what I keep getting is a family computer sounded theme. I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming films. Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can, dududum dududum dududum dudududududum (^_^)

Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Bad Ass X-Men are BACK!!!

X-Men: Days of Future Past
Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine
James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier/Professor X
Michael Fassbender and Ian McKellen as Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto 
Halle Berry as Ororo Munroe/Storm
Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat

Director: Bryan Singer
Runtime: 131 minutes
Budget: $200 million
Box office: $713,053,899
Release date: May 10, 2014 (International)
May 23, 2014, (USA)

Memorable quotes:

"You, you kleptomaniac, get to break in to the Pentagon" - Professor X to Quicksilver

"Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever." - Professor X (future) to Professor X (past)

Ok folks, let's be honest here. This has been one of the most, if not the best, but the most brilliant film in the X-Men movie franchise to date. But on another note, I think we have too many as is TOO MANY characters here that only had a couple of minutes of screen time with one or two dialogues. It's great to have Days of Future Past to be shown in the big screen but for me, Singer could have done a little more work on the characters and their importance in the movie. I would've loved to hear Colossus speak or even Bishop and whatever happened to Lil' ol' Halle Berry's Storm character here? 

And not to mention Rogue? I mean where in the blue hell is this high flyin' power absorbin' bad ass chick? Sure she was highly promoted in the trailer but when I saw it I was like,(and I am borrowing Andrew Garfield's line in The Amazing Spider Man) You mother hubber are you serious??


Here's one photo below from Rogue's cut scenes in the film. See that girl behind Professor X, that's Rogue. Too bad Singer cut off all her scenes. They could have done the same thing to her like what they did to Halle Berry's Storm. She was there, couple of lines and some fight scenes. Would have been cool but Singer had to makes crappy excuses about cutting her out.


I'm gonna stop bad mouthing some of the misses in this film and I'm going to talk about the good parts of this wonderful film. The time traveling concept was nothing new in the movie industry but DoFP pulled it off and fitted the story very well, (I mean it was the main concept in the comics and the animated series anyway). However, one more thing that didn't suit well with was the year they had in mind, 1973. I am pretty sure that back then robotics and technology wasn't that well developed yet so I am kind of trying to digest the concept of choosing 1973 where the Sentinels were first introduced. I remember the scene where the US president and Dr. Trask were talking about how Magneto can control metal and Trask was like, try my giant mutant annihilating robots so we can destroy them and the president is like duh, robots are made out of metal and you're going to put it up against someone who you just told me controls metal?? Of course smidget, erm, Trask here says they are built out of space aged polymer with no ounce of metal in them. Again, duh, 1973? I don't get it. Probably would make me believe the concept if the year was like 1993 or 1997 right? I mean in the cartoon adaptation of DoFP, Bishop came back in time during the said assassination in the 90's which would make more sense than 1973(sorry for being such a d*%k on mentioning 1973 over and over again). The Sentinels here in the movie adaptation were more bad ass than the ones in the comic book and the cartoon. I mean in the cartoons, these anti mutant robots can be defeated unlike in the film, man they are almost android like, unbeatable. Acquiring the powers of Mystique were a great idea for the movie. Felt really sorry for the mutants here 'cause they have no chance against this kind of enemy and damn you Mystique for having that kind of power hehe (^_^)



Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in his 199th time of portraying the character did well for the movie. Trust me, people might get tired of Wolverine gracing the front cover of DVD's or magazines and game covers but hey, they did find the right match for the character in Jackman. Here's another of my "I hope" moments. It would've been nice if he had some lines from the animated series like, "Out of my way, rookie" or that famous line he told Bishop when he was about to jump in to that time portal device, "I'm gonna remember this rookie!" I loved the expression on Hugh's face when he was back in the 70's and he showed his claws and he was like "the hell are these? my metal claws are not yet born this year?" 

The only scene, and I mean ONLY SCENE in the movie that I really loved was the break out of prison scene. They picked the right guy to play Quicksilver in Evan Peters, just didn't like them changing his name from Pietro Maximoff to Peter Maximoff. I love it especially when he was looking at Magneto from above the glass prison and he had that weird crazy smile on his face and the moment when he held Magneto's neck and was explaining that he didn't want him to get whiplash and moved and talked like a creepy doll hehe. (That made my day!) The slomo plus the song by Jim Croce made that scene really memorable and actually the only one scene I keep watching over and over and over again. 

My Rating: 4.7 out of 5

Despite my complains and all, I loved this movie a lot. The best film in the franchise so far and I am really looking forward to the next film coming out in 2016, X-Men Apocalypse but folks don't be dismayed if you see Hugh Jackman appear as Wolverine again since like Kitty said in the movie, "basically you don't age and you will look the same" so don't expect a younger version of Logan here (^_^) Now let's all sing or hum or whichever you prefer, the X-Men Animated Series Opening song! One, two, one two three....Tararararararam Dararararararam  Tararararararam Taram ram Tararararararam Dararararararam  Tararararararam Taram ram (^_^)

Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day!